
You can find a schedule of final project deadlines on this spreadsheet.

The final project begins in Week 11 and runs through Lab 2 of Week 14 — your site is due by 5 p.m. on Friday, May 1. You will present your pitch in a video that will be evaluated by a panel of angel investors in addition to your J202 classmates. To receive points for the final exam, students must vote for which project they think should be the one that would hypothetically receive an angel investment.

You’ll notice that in the first week of the project, you have a lot of direction as to what your team should be doing. We want to help get you started, but then we back off with the directions and let you figure out how to use your time.

You will turn everything in twice: once to your TA for grading, and once to the appropriate team for peer feedback or posting. The deadlines for your TA are outlined on the spreadsheet. The strategy team for each lab sets in-lab deadlines as part of their project management. Some teams choose to make these deadlines earlier than the TA submission deadlines (which are nonnegotiable). This way, you can get peer feedback before your final versions are due to your TA. It’s your choice whether to incorporate your peer feedback into your pieces. You can absolutely make changes to your content after the TA deadlines, but your TA will only be grading what is turned in by the deadlines outlined on the schedule.

Please be sure to watch your email for any updates or changes to the schedule. This is especially important now that we are all participating remotely.

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