Each of these assignments will come out of the multimedia plan developed by the Content Team and the Pitch, Promotion and Revenue Team. Each lab will have 15 multimedia packages, with each student working in two pairs to complete two packages. Your TA will assign the pairings.
All content is submitted both to your TA and through the process developed by your lab for peer review.
Informative or persuasive magazine layout
- Use InDesign to create the layout
- Layout must be a minimum of two pages (such as a magazine story spread or two separate full-page ads)
Informative or persuasive audio package
- Use Audition to create the audio package
- Informative packages are a maximum length of two minutes
- Ad spots are either 30 or 60 seconds
Informative or persuasive video package
- Use Premiere to create the video package
- Informative packages are a maximum of two minutes unless approved by TA
- Ad spots are either 30 or 60 seconds
Informative or persuasive audio slideshow
- Use Premiere to create your slideshow
- Maximum length of two minutes unless your TA approves something longer