Writing well

When you’re done writing a story, run through this checklist to find places you can improve what you’ve written.

Your approach
inverted pyramid: does your reader need information clearly and quickly?
narrative: would your reader benefit more from an engaging, detailed account?
does your structure make this story easy to read?
does your structure make this story entertaining?
will your structure make readers remember this story?

Straight Feature
concise? introduce a central theme?
most important info first? fit with overall narrative?
short sentence (35 words or less)? start a thread you can weave through 
direct, active language? no extraneous details?
Do: Don’t:

written simply and naturally? wordy?

fairly short paragraphs? empty words or phrases?
visual descriptions? too many big words?
active voice? clichés?
precise words? jargon, euphemisms, pretentiousness?
clear? offensive language?
descriptive verbs? trying to express or impress?
consistent tense throughout?
descriptive modifiers?
well organized?
opinion or judgment intended?
humor intended? appropriate?
involve the senses?
showing or telling?
use variety?
rhythm and pace?
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